TREMOLO project

Follow our TREMOLO project co-financed by Creative Europe programme of the EU.

This section briefly explains the main goals of the 'TRans-European Music Organizations Linked Organically' project, a Creative Europe culture cooperation project. For more detailed information you can always contact our project-website.

What's TREMOLO about?

The TREMOLO project creates an organic link between 3 cultural NGOs active in the fields of music and cultural heritage, and will be centered around 3 world music festivals already established at local and regional level in Italy (Marranzano World Fest), Hungary (Csipero Youth Festival) and Serbia (Malom Fesztival), allowing them to actively support the international mobility of young artists and cultural operators from peripheral areas of Europe.

TREMOLO wants to bridge the gap between the compelling creativity in the field of living music traditions and the international music scene. It will function as a liquid infrastructure that will help young artists and cultural operators to travel across Europe, to exchange good practices, share experiences and expand working opportunities, within the multicultural and stimulating context of an expanding network of world music festivals.

We believe in the power of music to unite people of different age, language and culture, creating a common ground where the preservation and appreciation of diversity becomes an added value for the emergence of a new European identity.

Our project will develop, promote and implement innovative strategies for safeguarding intangible heritage at local level, while at the same time promoting intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding and integration between different cultures, where a stronger sense of our common European Cultural Heritage is created through the safeguarding of all the local diversities.

The TREMOLO project is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.





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